Catalyst is a fast-paced First Person Shooter that is in development by Gatling Gecko Studios. I was responsible for the UX and UI, making sure that the player recieves the correct information at the right moments and making the player navigate through the game seamlessly.


For Catalys we needed a logo. I volunteered to make one. The game includes different elements that are magical, so I wanted a magical font and I wanted to add the different elements in the logo. I made a black, white (see on the top of the page) and colored version of the logo to use for different cases. I also exported it as different sizes and as a SVG file.


The HUD for Catalyst was one of the elements that is most important for the player in order to give the correct information. After making a lot of different HUDs, the one that is shown below in the videos is the one we chose to use for now. All the icons, progress bars and backgrounds are made by myself and the functionalities, I have also developed myself.

Mana Refill

In the video above, you can see how the mana is refilled through a number and visual

Stamina Refill

In the video above, you can see how the stamina is refilled

Health Bar

In the video above, you can see how the health bar is handled

Menu Navigation

Menus are also one of the important element of a game, because with out it there is no navigation. The navigation should be as smooth as possible, because the player does not want to navigate through a lot of different menus to play the game. But it needs to be clear for the player where it can find things. 

Start Screen

In the video above, you can see how the start screen is handled. The player can close the game and start the game by choosing a difficulty or practice room

Death Screen

In the video above, you can see how the death screen is handled. The player can press the restart button immediately after death to spawn again and play on.

End Screen

In the video above, you can see how the end screen is handled (this was mainly used for playtests). The player can go to the main menu to choose a different difficulty or quit the game.

Pause Menu

In the video above, you can see how the pasue menu is handled. In the first menu, the player can resume, go to optins, main menu or close the game. In the options menu, different settings can be adjusted to the players needs.


Below, you can find the gameplay trailer for Catalyst. This trailer was made for the Dragon's Den, where we had to pitch Catalyst to four "dragons". These dragons are professionals from the gaming industry that judge our game and long term vision with the game-studio company Gatling Gecko studios. 

I made this trailer in Première Pro and it shows the different Unique Selling Points for Catalyst.